How to Determine Virtual Data Room Prices

Virtual data rooms are essential for M&A due-diligence and other dealmaking. They allow businesses to streamline their processes, improve decision-making, and speed up deal closing. Many companies struggle to determine the amount a virtual room will cost because of the wide range of prices offered by various vendors.

The cost of a data room can vary depending on features like IP-based restrictions, customizing user roles, or a user-managed encryption. The capacity of a data room can also affect pricing. For instance, a higher number of concurrent users could increase storage space costs and require more bandwidth to manage the demand.

Some virtual data room providers charge per-user, a model which varies from vendor to vendor. This type of pricing is usually the cheapest for projects that only need a limited number of administrators. It’s important to note that certain data room providers charge up to $250 per administrator.

Another popular pricing method is based on storage volume. This model is based on a fixed amount of storage for data, which is usually enough for the majority of small to medium projects. If a business requires more storage, they can buy additional GBs.

Flat-rate pricing is also a common. This option allows businesses to pay a set amount per month for a specific number of users, admins, projects and storage. This model isn’t necessarily the most cost-effective, but it’s favored by many users since they don’t have to be surprised by high bills.