How to make the perfect bouquet, by Nikki Tibbles
Since she opened her iconic shop in 1993 in Westbourne Grove’s Turquoise Island, a very chic public loo designed by architect Piers Gough that now doubles up as a shop, Nikki Tibbles has become one of the most famous florists in London, and a firm favourite to the stars and fashion houses (Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, etc.). The most glamorous flower girl, who also owns a decoration shop in Pimlico Road and a concession in Liberty’s, gives us a few insiders secrets on how to choose and maintain your flowers.
A Wild at Heart bouquet
Which is your favourite flower and why? I guess it would have to be a rose -because of its colour, its scent, its texture and the way it opens, blossoms and then dies- and a peony because for me, both these flowers quintessentially represent the English summer.
What advice would you give to compose a perfect bouquet? I would never use too much foliage. I would keep to one colour palette: white and cream, blue and lilac, shades of green, pink and deep red for example. I would never use more than three or four types of flowers and would use the same shape of flowers: a rose with a tulip with a peony will give you more of a rounded feel. read more