Once described as “the dark soul of Tony Blair” and “the real deputy Prime minister” -as his influence on the government was deemed to be so powerful- Alastair Campbell (52) appears nowadays in much more relaxed form than during his Downing Street years. The former Spin Doctor in chief has now has turned to fundraising for research into leukaemia, as well as writing, with a second novel, Maya, recently published.
My main character trait: determination
The trait I most deplore in myself: impatience
The trait I am most proud of: loyalty
If I could change something in my physic: my lungs because I have asthma
The quality I appreciate most in a man: a sense of humour
The quality I appreciate most in a woman: intuition
What I most value in my friends: honesty and loyalty
Faults in others or myself that I am most likely to forgive: temper
My favourite hobbies: watching football and cycling
My idea of happiness: a day which would include a family event, a football win and an electoral disaster for the Tories read more